Graphic Design Works
These projects are a mix of magazine spreads, logos, websites, package design projects, and posters that I have done during my time in school.

Collaborative Magazine Publication

The Collaborative Magazine was a group project with the class. We all decided on a topic and name, while assigning each person with a specific task. The ones that are shown are the ones that I was tasked with, fashion during the pandemic, a filler page, and the back cover page.
Web Design: Restaurant Site
These are different parts of the redesigned restaurante site that was chosen by me. I changed the name at the beginning of the project so that I would not run into any problems with the actual company. The designs and everything are based off traditional Japanese culture. The colors are a darker color of cherry blossoms.

The Hot Line poster
This poster was meant to help show awnesses in areas that most people tend to neglect or forget about. This one is for those being domestically abused. The type on the poster is supposed to be the second thought while the image is the main thought.

Ministry magazines spread
This was a two part project. Consisting of making a cover page and then a spread with information from one or more of the topics on the cover. The colors and fonts all go together to make sure that it is consistent.

Over Consumption
This is a project passed off the over consumption with nicotine gum. This a brand that I made coming up with the logos, colors, patterns, and the layout design. As well as the reasoning behind the product being "sold".
Pet Food-
Springer Replacements
This is a project passed off pet food, or in this case milk replacer for calves. This another brand that I made coming up with the logos, colors, patterns, and the layout design. As well as the reasoning behind the product being "sold".

Swiss Design Poster
This is a project passed off the Swiss Design Posters. The theme was to choose an event before a certain year and use the Swiss Design.